Douai Crest


Holly Little
Tel: 078757-44814

Council (2021)
Hon President:David de Freitas (69/74)
Hon Vice President: Alexander Antelme (82/87)
Hon Secretary: Richard Sims (90/92/97)
Hon Treasurer: Chris Vale (71/76)
Immediate Past President: Roy Campbell (65/69)

Adrian Davis (61/63/68)
John Kerr (61/66)
Matthew McCabe (63/65)
Richard Morris (Hon.)
Chris Peach (63/68)
Richard Quarterman (78/83)

Non-Council Officers
Chaplain: Fr Bonoface Moran OSB (54-59)
Previous Past President & Hon. Librarian: John Wills (66/70)
Hon. Webmaster: Holly Little

Website contributions and comments about the site to the Holy Little;